Get to know the useR!2017 Invited Talks: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel is an Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University and a Data Scientist and Professional Educator at RStudio. She received her Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of California, Los Angeles under the advisement of Jan De Leeuw. Dr. Çetinkaya-Rundel’s work focuses on innovation in statistics pedagogy, with an emphasis on computation, reproducible research, open-source education, and student-centered learning. She teaches the popular series of MOOCs in the Statistics with R Specialization on Coursera. She is a co-author of three open-source statistics textbooks as part of the OpenIntro project as well as a co-editor of and regular contributor to the Citizen Statistician blog and Taking a Chance in the Classroom column in Chance Magazine. Mine's teaching has always focused primarily on the introductory level, and lately she has been concentrating her efforts on developing an introduction to data science course that can also serve as a gateway quantitate studies and computing in general as well as specifically to the statistics major.