
The program committee of the useR!2017 conference has invited members of the R community to submit proposals for tutorials and the submission for tutorials is already closed. The tutorials accepted by the program committee are now online. The tutorials will take place on 4 July 2017 in two sessions (morning and afternoon, 8 tutorials in each session). The duration of each tutorial is expected to be 3 hours.

Joaquin Vanschoren, Heidi Seibold and Bernd Bischl: OpenML: Connecting R to the Machine Learning Platform OpenML
Stephanie Kovalchik: Sports Analytics with R
Karline Soetaert, Thomas Petzoldtenvironmental modeling using R.
Hana Ševčíková: Introduction to parallel computing with R
Martyn Plummer: Introduction to Bayesian inference with JAGS
Gabor Csárdi: R package development with R-hub
Charlotte Wickham: purrr 
Edzer Pebesma: Spatial data in R: new directions
Dirk Eddelbuettel: Extending R with C++: Motivation, Introduction and Examples
Colin Gillespie: Efficient R Programming
Toby Dylan Hocking, Rebecca Killick: Introduction to optimal changepoint detection algorithms
Colin Rundel, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel: Data Carpentry: Open and Reproducible Research with R
Arun Srinivasan: data.table for beginners
Signe M. Jensen, Christian Ritz: Dose-response analysis using R
Bhaskar V. Karambelkar: Geospatial visualization using R
Taylor Arnold, Lauren Tilton: Introduction to Natural Language Processing with R